Water Main Replacement Project

Starting November 11th, 2024, The Project will replace approximately 3,500 feet of water main, which will improve FDWD Distribution system and ensure the highest quality of water.

Streets in Norwalk affected:

East Avenue

Hendricks Avenue

Elton Court

Yankee Doodle Court

Mulberry Lane

Laurel Ave

and Saint John Street


More Info Here


We provide clean, safe water to more than 40,000 residents and businesses in Norwalk and small areas of New Canaan, Wilton, and Westport, Connecticut.

“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.” 
—Jacques Yves Cousteau

Quality Matters.

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” 
—John Muir


We are a public agency and are overseen by an elected board of three commissioners and an appointed treasurer to the board.

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