Completed Projects
New Water Mains
New Water Mains at Various Locations between Harbor Avenue and West Avenue in Norwalk, CT This project is to replace existing undersized water mains on portions of Academy Street, Chapel Street, Harbor Avenue, Leonard Street, Merwin Street and Orchard Street. Construction is expected to start in March 2017 be complete in the Fall. Final trench restoration will be in the spring of 2018.
Gazebo Replacement and Site Improvements at the Historic Norwalk Town Green
This project is to remove the existing gazebo on the Historic Norwalk Town Green and construct a new gazebo with landscaping and lighting. The new gazebo is larger and more accessible for use during concerts and other events at the Green. Construction was completed in October, 2013.
New Water Booster Pumping Station at Spring Hill
This project is to replace the existing 1939 Spring Hill Water Booster Pumping Station with a new higher capacity water booster pump station and demolish the existing pumping station. Construction was completed in the fall of 2014. MORE INFO>
One Million Gallon Elevated Steel Storage Tank at Spring Hill
This project is to replace the existing 1939 Spring Hill 0.1 Million Gallon Elevated Steel Storage Tank with a new One (1) Million Gallon Elevated Steel Tank and demolish the existing tank. Construction was completed in the fall of 2014. MORE INFO>
Brown's Reservoir
Originally built between 1908 and 1910, Brown's Reservoir was built to impound the Silvermine River to provide fresh drinking water to the City of Norwalk. The reservoir is located in Lewisboro, New York, just over the Connecticut state line. Construction began in January 2012 and was completed in late 2014. MORE INFO>
New Well Pump Station
Construction of a New Well Pump Station started in the fall of 2015 and was completed in the spring of 2016. This project provides redundant capacity to the existing wells and is anticipated to provide better quality water.
New Spring Hill Water Mains
New Water Mains at Various Locations in the Spring Hill Section of Norwalk, CT This project is to replace existing undersized water mains on portions of Stevens Street, Magnolia Avenue, Dover Street, Rhodonolia Park and West Dover Street. Construction was complete in the fall of 2014.
Colonial Place Water Main
This project is to construct a new water main to connect the existing water main on Colonial Place to the existing water main on Morgan Avenue. Construction was completed in November, 2013.
Walter Avenue and Strawberry Hill Avenue
Transfer of Services and Installation of Transmission Valves Strawberry Hill Avenue from Walter Avenue to Raymond Terrace; and Walter Avenue.
This project is to retire small old water mains and transfer customer services to existing 12 inch diameter water mains. In addition three new valves will be installed on the 16" diameter transmission pipe that carries water from the treatment plant to Norwalk. Construction was completed in January 2013.
Strawberry Hill Avenue and Westport Avenue Water Main Replacement
This project is to replace small, old water mains with new 12 inch diameter water mains on Strawberry Hill Avenue between Walter Street and Westport Avenue; and on Westport Avenue from County Street to the Westport Town Line. Construction was completed in December 2012.
John E. Riordan Filter Plant Media Replacement
The filter media in two of the filters at the John E. Riordan Filter Plant were replaced to improve the treated water quality. This is done approximately every ten years.
Repainting of Filbert Street Elevated Water Storage Tank
The Filbert Street Elevated Water Storage Tank provides water to the Strawberry Hill and East Norwalk area. Repainting the tank was completed in November 2011, this will protect the structure from rusting and extend its useful life.
East Norwalk Water Main Replacement, Phase I
Van Zant Street, Harvey Street, Betts Place and East Avenue from Rowan Street to Seaview Avenue. This project is to replace small, old water mains with new 8 inch diameter water mains in East Norwalk. Construction started in July 2010 and was completed September 2011.