Our Parks
The District manages twelve public land parcels and parks in The First Taxing District, from the historic Norwalk Green to Cannon Street Park to the Andrew J. Santaniello Park.
These holdings are maintained and utilized for the public. The District provides the upkeep and maintenance of the parks and plans public events in the parks, the highlight being the summer concert series and the annual tree lighting ceremony in December.
Major Parks
The site of springtime weddings and summertime concerts, the Historic Norwalk Town Green is bordered by East Avenue, St. Paul’s Place and Park Street.
Andrew Santaniello Park
Dedicated in 1987 in honor of Commissioner Andrew J Santaniello, the park is located on Fair Street.
Union Park
Located at the end of Mott Avenue and Byington Place.
Willie Moorer Park
Located at the corner of Holmes and West Main Street, the park was dedicated in 1984 in honor of neighborhood activist Willie Moorer.
Cannon Street Park
Acquired from the city in 1974, Cannon Street Park is located at the corner of Sawmill Road and Cannon Street and includes all areas around the brook.
Small Parks & Land Parcels
Rocks Park
Located at the intersection of France Street and Adams Avenue.
Church Park
Small parcel located on the corner of Father Conlon Place and France Street.
Gateway Park
Small Island located at the intersection of Route 1 and Route 7.
Lewis Park
Located at Lewis Street to East Wall, including grass and planting areas and walkways.
Nick Bredice Park
A triangular plot located between North Avenue and Father Conlin Place.