There are no designated parking areas at any of the parks. Parking on the
physical area of the park for any automobile, truck, motorcycle, or licensed or
unlicensed motor vehicle, is prohibited.
Park hours are from dawn to dusk, with certain exceptions applicable only to the
Norwalk Green.
Food vendors, caterers, persons with temporary food permits, other licensed
vendors and other commercial activities are not permitted on any park
property, except with a rental permit for a specific event.
Barbecues, fire pits, and other cooking facilities, including charcoal, propane, or
other portable grills are not permitted in any First District Park.
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal controlled
substances is not permitted.
Glass containers or bottles are not permitted.
A dog is not permitted, except when the dog is properly licensed and is
on a leash or lead, under the control of its owner or keeper at all times. No owner
or keeper shall allow any dog to dig up, mutilate, deface or destroy any park
property and shall promptly remove all feces left by the dog on any park property
and dispose of such feces in a sanitary manner. Horses, domestic animals, or
other animals are not permitted.
First District Parks do not have any ball fields or athletic facilities. Organized
sporting activities are not permitted. Informal sporting activities are permissible,
provided the activities do not endanger the health, welfare or safety of any
persons using the park.
Music amplification or loud speakers will not be allowed without prior written
approval of the Board of Commissioners.
No tent, or structure, temporary or permanent, shall be erected on the park.
Camping, sleeping, or lodging in the parks is not permitted.
Defacing, spray painting, graffiti, or similar damage, removal or altering and
impairing the bandstand (gazebo), any monument, plaque or other park
improvements, or damaging in any way the park property is prohibited. Any
person, group or organization with whom the person is affiliated, or
participating in a permitted, sponsored group or organization event causing
any such defacing or damage to the parks or their improvements shall be
liable for all cleanup, repair, replacement or damage to the parks and their
Engaging in gambling, begging, publicly soliciting subscriptions, participating in
any disorderly conduct or breach of the peace is not permitted.
All trash must be deposited in receptacles provided or removed from the park.
AII children must be supervised by an adult.
Signs, Monuments, Pictures, statues and Memorials:
No person shall remove or damage flowers, shrubbery, trees, or any plant
No person shall commit any of the following acts, or use the premises for the following purposes:
Anyone using the parks shall be responsible for their own cleanliness and shall
dispose of all trash.
The First District reserves the right to close the parks for safety reasons
including, but not limited to, weather conditions or overcrowding.