Our Land & Water Supply
The flow of water is vital to human existence, but as important as the water itself, is the land over, into, and under which it flows.
From streams and snowmelt and rain that flows into the Silvermine River Basin, the FDWD collects water running through more than ten square miles of watershed, from Lewisboro, NY, to New Caanan, Ridgefield, and Wilton, CT. These locations mark our primary land and reservoir holdings.
From the New York area, water flows along the west branch of the Silvermine River into Scotts Reservoir in Lewisboro, NY. At the confluence of the west and east Silvermine tributaries, Browns Reservoir collects water near Wilton, CT. And both the Milne Reservoir and Grupes Reservoir capture water further downstream, from the main course of the river between Lewisboro and New Canaan, CT.
Our water flows among these lands and along these waterways, and we maintain these wetlands and woodlands—unspoiled places that form a natural buffer against industry, development, roadways, and other threats to clean water. Our land is a protected area through which water can filter, stream, and gather, free from contamination.