The Hydrologic Cycle

The Hydrologic Cycle

Our Water is as Old as Our Ancestors
There is no such thing as “new” water. Basically, the same water that existed in the day of our ancestors exists today. Water is continually recirculated through the hydrologic cycle and is used over and over again through the ages. The only thing that changes is what is added or removed from the water over time. This constant reuse of water makes it vital that water utilities and watershed/aquifer area residents alike, work together to maintain clean, safe drinking water supplies for the future.
In nature, water endlessly moves from the land and bodies of water to the atmosphere. Then from the atmosphere back to the land. Contaminants which the water contacts in this journey may move with it through the cycle.

Water - Exploring the Hydrologic Cycle in Utah
This video provides an excellent overview of how the hydrologic cycle works.

More Info
Wikipedia - Water Cycle

The Encyclopedia of Earth - Hydrologic Cycle

Foundation for Water & Energy Education - How the Hydrologic Cycle Works
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