Lawns, Grounds & Animals

Lawns, Grounds & Animals

Chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are toxic. Careless handling of them can result in contamination of the environment, polluting streams and ponds, rendering wells and public drinking water supplies unsafe. These chemicals are also toxic to children and animals.

Help keep the water clean by switching to organic fertilizers whenever possible; organics breakdown quickly and naturally and pose much less threat to the water supply. Natural soil amendments such as manure are also a risk. For all lawn, plant and soil applications, follow local regulations and manufacturer's instructions. Always use the minimum amount called for. Only purchase what you need to avoid adding waste chemicals to the environment.

Fertilizers fuel the production of algae blooms in reservoirs which rapidly degrade water quality. Even modern water treatment facilities may not be relied upon to remove all toxic chemicals. Fertilizers, especially synthetics, are increasingly found in the nation's water supply due to over application, misuse and improper disposal.

State health regulations require that any structure where animals are housed or manure accumulated cannot be located within a specific distance of a drinking water supply reservoir or within a specific distance of its tributary streams or watercourses. Such structures must be constructed so that manure and other polluting materials are prevented from entering or being washed into tributary watercourses.
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