Rates & Fees

Rates & Fees

Water Consumption Rate (per 1000 gallons)

Effective July 1, 2024

In District: $5.56

Out of District: $8.34

A 50% Rate Reduction of the quarterly water meter fee is available for the disabled, seniors and U.S. military, both active duty and veterans. If you meet eligibility criteria set by The City of Norwalk, just fill out our Rate Reduction Application .

Water Meter Fees
Meter Size (Inches) Quarterly Service Charge Inside District Quarterly Service Charge Outside District Monthly Service Charge Inside District Monthly Service Charge Outside District
5/8 $24.75 $37.13 $8.25 $12.38
3/4 $37.17 $55.75 $12.39 $18.58
1 $61.92 $92.88 $20.64 $30.96
1-1/4 and 1-1/2 $123.82 $185.73 $41.27 $61.91
2 $209.64 $314.45 $69.88 $104.82
3 $396.26 $594.38 $132.09 $198.13
4 $619.14 $928.71 $206.38 $309.57
6 $1,238.46 $1,857.69 $412.82 $619.23
8 $1,981.23 $2,971.85 $660.41 $990.62
10 $2,848.01 $4,272.01 $949.34 $1,424.00

Connection Fees
Meter Size Equivalent Unit Factor Connection Fee
5/8" 1 $450
3/4" 2.5 $1,125
1" 5 $2,250
1.5" 8 $3,600
2" 16 $7,200
3" 25 $11,250
4" 50 $22,500
6" 80 $36,000
8" 115 $51,750
10" 215 $96,750
For Residential Developments, the Connection Fee shall be calculated as the higher of the Water Meter Size Connection Fee or the charge of $ 450 per Residential Unit times the number of Residential Units, whichever is higher.

A “residential unit” is any building or portion thereof which contains one or more habitable rooms that are occupied by, or designed or intended to be occupied by, one person or by a family or group of housemates living together as a single housekeeping unit that includes facilities for living, sleeping and facilities for cooking, eating and sanitation.

If a meter is not installed with a new service line connection, the Connection Fee by Meter Size shall be established as equal to the service line diameter in inches.

The connection fee for renovations and/ or additions to existing buildings already connected to the existing distribution system shall be calculated by subtracting the connection fee of the existing meter size from the connection fee of the larger proposed meter size of the renovation and/or addition.

Such Fees are to be paid by check at the time of issuance of the Permit. Connection Fees are in addition to the applicable residential tap and wet cut service fees.

Fire Service Fees
Meter Size Monthly Fee
1" $5.00
1.5" $10.00
2" $16.00
4" $50.00
6" $100.00
8" $160.00
10" $230.00
12" $430.00

Cross Connection Fees

Effective July 1, 2024

*In subsequent years, the Fee/Charge shall increase annually based on the percent increase of the water consumption user rate.
Description Fee/Charge Details
Cross Connection Device Testing or Retesting $144.00 Each Device
Cross Connection Inspections $72.00 Each Inspection
Recording and Tracking Fee per Premise and/or Commercial Unit $36.00 Each Premise and/or Commercial Unit

A commercial unit is defined as each unit of a building separated by a solid vertical partition wall occupied by one corporation or firm as a place of business.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

Effective July 1, 2024

Description Fee/Charge - *(1hr minimum)
Reinstatement Fee $100/hr*
Reinstatement Fee (Overtime) $150/hr*
Leak Location Customer Side (Equip + Labor) $500 + $100/hr*
Inspect and Repair Private Hydrants (+ Labor) $350/Hydrant + $100/hr*
Trace and Locate Water Service Line Customer Side (Equip + Labor) $150 + $100/hr*
Locate Curb Box Private Customers (Includes Sketch) $125/hr*
Locate Curb Box Meter Pits FDWD Customers (Includes Sketch) $100/hr*
Curb Box and Meter Pit Repairs (Material + Labor) Cost 125% + $100/hr*
1" Service Line Tab include Kurt Orp $550.00
Wet Cut $900.00
Wet Cut 4" and above $1,050.00
Customer Missed Appointment/No Show Fee $50.00
Advisory/Final Reading & Bill $35.00
Advisory/Final Reading & Bill (Same Day Request) $50.00
Calculate Tenant Bill $40.00
Lien Processing Charge $75.00
Meter Resetting $75.00
Replacing Damaged Meter and Remote Cost+
Replace Damaged Meter - Overtime (Charge per Hour) $150.00
Test Meter at Customer Request - 2" or less (Charge per Hour) $75.00
Test Meter at Customer Request - Greater than 2" (Charge per Hour) Cost+
Meter installation 1" and below $100.00
Meter installation 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch $150.00
Residential Tap* $250.00
Change Name or Mailing Address** $10.00
Returned Check $20.00
Bulk Water Sales $/1000 gal Outside District User Charge
Meter Resetting $75.00
Office Research (Charge per Hour) $75.00

*Owner excavates, installs service, Water Department drills, provides and installs corporation.

**Always applies to change of mailing address. No charge for divorce when there is no transfer of title; changing name to that of the estate; or reverting to service address when forwarding expires.

***Water Department only operates hydrant. Fee is cost with a deposit of $350.

****Charged to account when tenant bill is set up.

*****As the customer owns the curb box, the Water Department does not operate curb boxes except for shutoff for non-payment.

Service Calls

Effective July 1, 2024

Description Fee/Charge - *(1hr minimum)
Normal Hours $100/hr*
Normal Hours Each half hour after 1 Hr $50/ half Hr
Outside Normal Hours $150/hr*
Outside Normal Hours Each half hour after 1 Hr $75/ half Hr
Call Us at 203-847-7387

Monday – Friday

8 AM – 4:30 PM

excluding holidays

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